Our article in "Piloter" summarizing the main conclusions of the first report published by
With the ever growing importance of flygskam, or flight shame, it is important to understand where this phenomenon comes from. The Chaire...

My interview on RTS about the sanitary measures implemented by airlines and airports after the Covid
To allow airlines and airports to relaunch their operations, various sanitary measures have implemented. I have been interviewed by RTS...

My interview in L'Express regarding the so-called "ghost flights"
I have been interviewed by L'Express about the so-called "ghost flights" as the Covid19 pandemic started. For more details : click here

My interview on France Bleu about the environmental impact of airlines
I have been interviewed by France Bleu about the environmental impact of air transport and the actions taken by airlines to reduce their...

My article in Aeroport Le Mag on the biased perception of the environmental impact of air transport
Not a week goes by without mentioning the environmental impact of air transport and the growing importance of flygskam (flight shame)....

My interview in La Tribune about the environmental challenges faced by airlines
I have been interviewed by La Tribune about the conclusions of the report published by the Chaire Pégase regarding the environmental...

Our first report by the "Chaire Pégase" on the perception of French people regarding the e
With the ever growing importance of flygskam, or flight shame, it is important to understand where this phenomenon comes from. The Chaire...

Our new article in The Conversation on the tensions related to coopetition strategies
Not a week goes by without a new agreement signed between competing firms. This phenomenon, called coopetition, is interesting as it may...

My interview on RTS about airlines' reactions to flight shaming
As more and more passengers feel ashamed when they fly, I have been interviewed by RTS (the Swiss Radio) to talk about how airlines and...

My interview in France 24 on the difficulties met by European airlines
I have been interviewed by France 24 (and the AFP) about the financial difficulties and bankruptcies of European airlines over the last...

Our video about the management of internal coopetition on FNEGE Medias
With my co-authors Nicola Mirc and David Massé, he published in 2019 a research article on the management of internal coopetition by the...

My interview on France Culture about the financial difficulties of Aigle Azur
I have been interviewed by France Culture to talk about the difficulties and challenges by Aigle Azur, the second largest airline in...

My interview in Voyages d'Affaires about the environmental challenges encountered by airlines
I have been interviewed by Voyages d'Affaires, one of the leading outlets on the travel industry, about the environmental impact of air...

My audition by the French Senate on the impact of air transport on the regional development
I have been be auditioned by the senate (le Sénat), more precisely by the Mission d'Information sur le transport aérien directed by...

Our article in Le Monde regarding flygskam, the shame of flying, and its impact for airlines
With Thomas Roulet (Cambridge University), we explain in a tribune to the "Le Monde", why airlines are on the defensive and fear the...