New research article in Industrial Marketing Management on Coopetitive branding

Considering the increasing number of cobranding agreements (i.e., brand alliances) taking place between competing firms, we study this phenomenon by highlighting its different forms, benefits and risks. To better understand this phenomenon, we develop a theoretical framework in which we explore different coopetitive branding situations. Based on the literature on coopetition and co-branding, we identify two key dimensions of coopetitive branding: the nature of the agreement (hybrid vs. symbolical) and the type of partners (direct vs. indirect competitors). These dimensions structure our proposed typology of four coopetitive branding situations. We further develop our theoretical framework by presenting and discussing the specific short-term (for the joint product) and long-term (for the parent firms) benefits and risks associated with each type of coopetitive branding, which are synthesized in four research propositions and illustrated through four case studies. The findings are discussed in direct relation to the relevant literature, resulting in a series of insights relevant for both the academic and managerial communities. The limitations of our study are properly acknowledged, providing us with the opportunity to develop a set of research directions for coopetitive branding agreements and their management.
Citation details
Chiambaretto P, Gurău C, Le Roy F. in press. Coopetitive branding: Definition, typology, benefits and risks. Industrial Marketing Management.
For more details : Pdf version (here) or Link to the IMM's website (here)